Saturday, February 22, 2020

Case Assignment (Business Ethics) Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assignment (Business Ethics) - Case Study Example However in that process, they engaged themselves into practices which may not be termed as ethical in nature. The various issues which have been discussed in the article points towards various ethical lapses in the organization on systematic, organization and individual level. From the information provided in the Case study, there are various ethical issues involved in this case. A closer look at the facts would suggest that the company has a good past record where the employee relationship, cleanliness, good work practices were dominating forces within the organization however, the consolidation in the industry coupled with recession saw the tide turning as most of the meat processors in the country focused on improving their profitability which eventually resulted into cost cutting and a compromises on the quality of the meat produced as well as the internal work practices within those organizations. Further the whole situation with specific regard to the company changed when the ownership of the company changed forcing it to go through a change which was really painful not for the employees only but for the overall health of the organization also. The systems and procedures put in place within the organization suggest that there is a more stress on ensuring that the meat processing plants meet the targets of processing meat every day. In order to achieve the same, the systems and procedures within the organization was horrible as the processing of meat was done according to the standards. The health standards were not meet. This violation has further deteriorated the systems and procedures within the organization to a point where no proper standard operating procedures were put in place in terms of better work procedures. Blood usually were not been washed away every day. The assembly line was stuffed with lot of work to process i.e. approximately 400 cows per hour which greatly hampered the quality as more toxin materials were used to be split over the meat or piercing of other toxic organs of the cows resulting into their splitting over the meat seriously points towards the fact that on systematic level, there were lot of et hical issues which needed to be addressed. In order to correct the issues related with the systematic ethics, organization need to revamp its procedures. The assembly lines should be widened in order to lessen the work load on the existing employees so that the procedures can be performed efficiently, effectively by taking into account all the health related measures. One of the biggest disadvantages with the company is the fact its procedures do not allow the element of health of the consumers of its products to take precedence in deciding how the meat should be processed. Rather the focus is on generating volumes at the cost of health of the consumers. The operating procedures therefore need to revise in order to make them more ethical. Apart from that the overall hiring standards, employee relationships , the attitude of the line managers suggest that too much stress is being laid on unethical procedures where most of the time, migrants are

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Introduction to the law of property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Introduction to the law of property - Essay Example However, on the facts, none of that exists and the legal title, on Bella’s death, is transferred to Dominic who is the sole legal owner of 41 Evergreen Terrace. As a result, the only interest Nigel can establish in the land in order to bar Dominic from selling the property and to continue occupying it is necessarily equitable. Dominic is currently the owner at law as well as in equity, owing to the lack of any direct conveyance to another or the declaration of a trust. Nigel, in order to claim an equitable ownership of Evergreen will have to rely on a number of recent authorities that allow a third party to claim an interest in the property of another (Pettitt v Pettitt (1970), Lloyds Bank v Rosset (1989), Stack v Dowden (2007)), and argue a constructive trust in his favor. However, since Nigel contributed to the purchase price, he can argue a resulting trust in his favor as well, according to the principals set in Curley v Parkes. It is apparent from that case that any contribution at the time of acquisition of the property will result in the creation of a purchase money resulting trust in favor of the contributor, entitling him to an equitable ownership in the property (Dyer v Dyer (1788), Laskar v Laskar (2008). However, this law is only operable if the money provided by Nigel was not meant as a gift or loan, which may as well be the case here since it was a father daughter deal. However, the facts are silent on the matter. Moreover, the House of Lords in Stack v Dowden suggested that the resulting trust mechanism to establish an equitable interest in property should be sidelined in favor of constructive trusts, since they can relate to a lot of other factors as well instead of just being concerned with the purchase money, especially in relation to family affairs. Hence, those will be considered below. Nigel has been made a promise to after he moves in by Dominic. The words used are