Thursday, August 27, 2020

Starbucks Coffee Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Starbucks Coffee Company - Essay Example Governing body. Starbucks Coffee Company was really settled by three of the accomplices in the year 1971 yet at present there are in all out ten individuals in the Starbucks’ Board of Directors (Starbucks Corporation, â€Å"Starbucks Corporation Board of Directors†). All the individuals from the Board of Directors have an unmistakable foundation. The current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Howard Schultz was the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Il Giornale Coffee Company. William Bradley was the overseeing chief of a venture banking firm. The other chief Mellody Hobson was likewise the leader of a venture the board firm. Aside from these three chiefs, the other seven executives additionally gained decent situations in the different administration firms or different businesses. The vast majority of the top managerial staff is serving the espresso organization since 1990 till the current day. The individuals from the top managerial staff have been found ou t to be rumored people in the nation. In the key administration process, Howard Schultz involves the key duty as a pioneer to coordinate various exercises. It has been resolved that the various individuals in top managerial staff were chosen dependent on their legitimacy and enormous involvement with the corporate world. Top Management. The governing body was for the most part employed from different firms aside from the three authors of the organization who were additionally going about as the chiefs. The three of the authors likewise the executives were the top administration in the organization and had enormous information and involvement with the related field as they have for quite some time been serving the espresso organization. The Chief Executive Officer of Starbucks, Howard Schultz is an American, conceived in the year 1953. At first, he was filling in as a business student at Xerox. Following three years, he had joined a Swedish organization which offered espresso producer to the retailers in the market. Meanwhile, he had visited Starbucks for selling the machine. After the visit, he was pulled in to the organization and wished to be a piece of their drawn out endeavors. In this manner, in 1982, he joined Starbucks as a chief of retail tasks and advertising (Wheelen and Hunger 471-475). VI I. Usage Starbucks Coffee Company had decided on universal extension and in this way in 1994 Starbucks International was shaped. At first, it had extended its business in the Asian nations of the world, for example, Japan and China. The point of their extension was to make a craving to lean toward the western brands among the buyers, to make certain methodologies to contend successfully with their rivals and to pick up the situation of the most noteworthy espresso merchant. In the previous scarcely any years, it has additionally been seen that the organization is attempting to extend its business in India. At first, when the concerned authorities had visited India they couldn't locate the suitable accomplice for entering the Indian market. During this timeframe, India was experiencing various monetary changes, for example, the decrease of the duties, alongside managing the administration strategies just as the progression of the outside venture. These progressions had additionally d ebilitated the authorities of the Starbucks and the other feature that was seen that the utilization of espresso was steady as much as 50,000 tons since 1996. There were other eminent espresso venders

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Principle International Taxation Bloomsbury -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Talk About The Principle International Taxation Bloomsbury? Answer: Presentation: The tax assessment administering of 92/2 gives the clarification identifying with the consumption that is happened on completing the logical research and the equivalent can be considered as reasonings under subsection 73A (1) of the ITAA 1936 (Barkoczy 2016). The exercises of Research and improvement empowers the business and the non-benefit association to achieve greatness in the activities. The supervisors of the associations ordinarily look to upgrade the operational adequacy of the firm. The Research and improvement activities help with improving the general proficiency of the association. As apparent the innovative work requires enormous expense and to achieve the hierarchical proficiency both the benefit making and non-benefit causing firms to commit their store in Research and improvement exercises (Tan Braithwaite and Reinhart 2016). These exercises additionally goes with charge motivation that are ordinarily known as innovative work impetuses. The flow study places accentuation on the impacts of Research and improvement impetuses for the recorded organizations in Australia. Conversation of Ruling: Since the time the selection of the segment 73A during the year 1946 the citizens can advance their case with respect to the assessment derivations for the costs that are acquired on the logical research, which probably won't have, been permitted under some other arrangement. The tax collection administering of TR 92/2 is viewed as the particular decision that oversees the arrangement of the expense motivating force identifying with the exercises of innovative work in a firm (Snape. what's more, De Souza 2016). To show up at the assessable salary of an association, segment 73A of Income Tax Assessment Act, 1936 gives the types of logical costs that is happened and the equivalent can be considered as a passable reasoning. Moreover, Sub-area 1 of segment 73A of ITAA, 1936 set out that costs on logical innovative work will be considered as the passable findings given the costs isn't took into consideration conclusion in some other segments. Organizations that are recorded on the perceived stock trade will be given the pleasantries of guaranteeing a passable conclusion identifying with the costs happened on logical innovative work exercises. A significant thought identifying with the segment 73A is that clearly gives that the costs on innovative work must be caused over the span of determining the assessable salary (Braithwaite 2017). On finding that the costs on innovative work isn't brought about over the span of increasing an assessable salary then no reasonings will be viewed as suitable in this regard for recorded firms. The innovative work charge impetus is helpful in deciding the available profit of the recorded organizations and such motivator is to a great extent to rouse the business associations to spend on the innovative work exercises. As characterized under the subsection 1 of the segment 73A of the ITAA 1936 clarifies that there are sure costs that will be considered as a passable use in deciding the available profit of the business for their expense liabilities; Installments that is made to the affirmed explore organizations Use that is acquired of capital nature on the logical research related to the business Use that is happened on plant which is placed into utilization for logical research Consumption related to the capital use on the structures (Cao et al. 2015). As obvious from the above expressed examination it is comprehended that the installments that is made in regard of the endorsed look into associations for leading the exploration related to the exercises of the business. A significant statement in such manner is that the costs can be brought about in the business premises of the firm or the equivalent could be executed out of the premises which is the endorsed look into foundation (Woellner et al. 2014). Spot isn't viewed as the crucial factor in playing out the innovative work costs for asserting a reasonable derivation from the assessable pay of business. Henceforth, the logical costs on innovative work must be in regard of the business. Other than making the installment a recorded firm would have the offices of getting the advantage of assessment motivation under area 73A of ITAA, 1936 for the costs caused on logical research given that the essential states of the demonstration is followed (Bevacqua 2015). The tax collection administering of TR 92/2 essentially set down in regard of the recorded firms that the capital use that is happened ought to be legitimately identified with business and the equivalent ought not have happened for some other underneath expressed purposes; Installments that is made to buy the plant and hardware identifying with the logical research reason for the firm Installments made by association in obtaining the land and building Installments that is made to change, include or expand the present premises. Next to the previously mentioned rules some other type of logical costs that is happened will be considered as passable findings given the costs is totally happened for business reason. The recorded organizations would have the option to guarantee 1/3 of the aggregate sum of reasonings on logical cost that is happened in securing of land and building. Furthermore the recorded organizations would have the option to guarantee permissible conclusions on the land and structures if the structure is utilized for logical reason. Significantly reasonings can be guaranteed just if the costs is brought about on or after first July 1946. Subsection 2 of the ITAA 1936 gives that the available pay of the firm can be decreased by 1/third segment of the costs that is happened in getting the land and building (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). These costs can be diminished from the available pay despite the fact that they are caused in broadening the land and building given that it is utilized for the logical research motivation behind the recorded firms. The arrangement of the subsection 2 of the ITAA 1936 isn't pertinent to the costs that is happened in the development of the premises or a bit of that premises given that the development of such premises has happened before 21st November 1987. The tax assessment administering of TR 92/2 gives an extra clarification identifying with the duty motivation identifying with the costs happened on logical innovative work. Segment 73A of the ITAA set out that the recorded organizations profiting charge motivator must meet the important derivations prerequisites. In leading, the business capacities whenever recorded associations causes consumption on logical innovative work in inferring the assessable pay identifying with the business the organization will have the option to guarantee an admissible findings (Miller and Oats 2016). These sorts of innovative work costs is arranged under various classes in TR 92/2 for deciding the assessment ramifications of these costs on the available pay of the association. The classes of costs is expressed underneath; Consumption caused by the recorded organizations in regards to the installment made to endorse the logical research establishment Capital spending that is happened for leading the logical research of the business for the recorded organizations The recorded organizations in regard of procuring the plant and hardware that is utilized for playing out the logical research happen spending that. Capital spending that happens in gaining the structure for playing out the logical research exercises. The tax collection administering of TR 92/2 explicitly manages the initial two things that is expressed capable which is identified with the installment made to the perceived logical foundations and capital costs happened for logical reasons (Konoplitskaya 2017). In this way, the assessable pay of the recorded associations would be fall by measure of costs announced for logical reason. The business will be guarantee a passable reasonings given the costs are happened with the thought process of putting resources into innovative work exercises of improving the general elements of the firm. The citizens are under the commitment of meeting the two explicit business conditions. On first case, the citizen would be required to execute the business exercises for producing the assessable pay. Also, the installments must be made in regard of the logical innovative work made by the business. Under such conditions the recorded firm in regard of the area 73A (1) of the demonstration would have th e option to guarantee the advantage given that the such costs are made inside the extent of the demonstration (Pope 2016). The impacts of picking up charge motivating force identifying with costs on logical research is in huge number. The capital costs brought about by business can be profited for findings aside from the costs acquired in plant and apparatus or augmentation of land and building. The impacts of segment 73A (1) under the tax collection administering of TR 92/2 is expressed beneath; Higher level of accentuation on the innovative work endeavors: With the expense motivator on offer, recorded associations are propelled to spend in mass identifying with the innovative work endeavors. With the proposal of assessment impetus business firms are furnished with the openings of utilizing the duty shield offered by the tax collection expert in bringing down the occurrences of available profit. Utilizing of expense position: The recorded associations that are working in the nation having spend enormous measure of total on leading innovative work for inferring the assessable salary are permitted to use the expense position of the association by utilizing the advantages set down under segment 73A (1) of the ITAA 1936. Not at all like different costs the recorded associations are furnishing with the offices of setting off the costs happened in innovative work (Kabinga 2015). The recorded organizations can

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Why You Should Consider Chicago Booth for Marketing

Blog Archive Why You Should Consider Chicago Booth for Marketing You may be surprised to know that Chicago Booth is making inroads into an area that its crosstown rival (Kellogg) is known to dominate: marketing. Through the James M. Kilts Center for Marketingâ€"named for the Chicago Booth alumnus who was formerly CEO of Gillette and Nabisco (and is now a partner at Centerview Capital Holdings, LLC and executive chairman of Conyers Park Acquisition Corp.)â€"Chicago Booth offers students approximately 15 marketing electives. In particular, the school is growing its experiential opportunities in the marketing field, with students recently  taking part in marketing management labs (semester-long consulting projects) at Abbott, Barclays, and Honeywell. Further, professors in the department saw opportunities for increased practical involvement and created “hybrid” classes that involve a lecture component but also allow students to work on shorter-term consulting projects. Students can also participate in “day-at” visits to major marketing firms and companies such as PepsiCo, Wrigley, and Kraft. Although Kellogg’s reputation for excellence in marketing is firmly intact, we have to assume that the folks in Evanston are occasionally glancing over their shoulders to see if Chicago Booth is gaining any more ground. For a thorough exploration of what Chicago Booth and 15 other top business schools have to offer, please check out the  mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet B-School Facts Business School University of Chicago (Booth)

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay - 984 Words

Very few novels and short stories have managed to clarify, in any lasting process, the means of the war in Vietnam for America and for the troopers who served there. With The Things They Carried, author (Tim O’Brien), captures the war s pulsing rhythms and trying dangers. However he goes abundant any. By moving on the far side the horror of the fighting to look at with sensitivity and insight the character of affection, courageousness and worry, by questioning the role that imagination plays in serving to make recollections. This paper examines the condition of love, shown through intimacy, separation, fantasy, in constitution with the reality of and a going war. The things they carried by Tim O’Brien seems to be a straightforward story. Things a platoon of troopers carried during the Vietnam War. The story actually centers on the death of one of the platoon members (Ted Lavender) and therefore the atrocious conditions of Vietnam. In an interview by Neal Conan Oâ₠¬â„¢Brien say, I carry the memories of the ghosts of a place called Vietnam — the people of Vietnam, my fellow soldiers, â€Å"More importantly, he continues, I carry the weight of responsibility, and a sense of abiding guilt. ( The Things They Carried, 20 Years On: NPR, 2010) This subject is a very troublesome one to speak regarding, and therefore the story is written as if the narrator is functioning up the courageousness to speak regarding it. The list of things they carried is to explain the VietnamShow MoreRelatedThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien892 Words   |  4 PagesThe Vietnam War was a long, exhausting, and traumatic experience for all of the soldiers and those who came with them. The Things They Carried, by Tim O Brien illustrates the different affects the war had on a variety of people: Jacqueline Navarra Rhoads, a former nurse during the Vietnam war, demonstrates these effects within her own memoir in the book, The Forgotten Veterans. Both sources exemp lify many tribulations, while sharing a common thread of suffering from mental unpredictability. DesensitizationRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1377 Words   |  6 Pageslove to have it as good as we do. Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried discusses many veterans who experience the burden of shame and guilt daily due to their heroic actions taken during the Vietnam War. The book shows you how such a war can change a man before, during, and after it’s over.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As I reflect on the many conflicts America has been a part of, none can compare to the tragedies that occurred in The Vietnam war. As told in The Things They Carried (O’Brien), characters such as NormanRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1457 Words   |  6 Pagesthe theme pertains to everyone regardless of their background. It conveys the same ideas to people from all across our society. Lastly, a classic is timeless, which means it has transcended the time in which it was written. In Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, he offers a new, intriguing way to view war or just life in general and also meets all of the crucial requirements mentioned above to qualify it as a book of literary canon. Though this book is technically a war novel, many peopleRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1242 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Tim O’Brien is obsessed with telling a true war story. O Brien s fiction about the Vietnam experience suggest, lies not in realistic depictions or definitive accounts. As O’Brien argues, absolute occurrence is irrelevant because a true war story does not depend upon that kind of truth. Mary Ann’s induction into genuine experience is clearly destructive as well as empowering† (p.12) Tim O’s text, The Things they Carried, details his uses of word choice to portray his tone and bias. Tim O’BrienRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1169 Words   |  5 Pagesbut are set in the past and borrows things from that time period. A story that fits this genre of literature is The Things They Carried. The story is about Tim O Brien, a Vietnam veteran from the Unite States, who tells stories about what had happ ened when he and his team were stationed in Vietnam. He also talks about what he felt about the war when he was drafted and what he tried to do to avoid going to fight in Vietnam. The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien was precise with its portrayal of settingRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1004 Words   |  5 Pages Tim O’Brien is a veteran from of the Vietnam War, and after coming home from his duty he decided to be a writer. His work â€Å"The Things They Carried† is about a group of soldiers that are fighting in the Vietnam War. The first part of the story talks mostly about physical items that each soldier carries, and also mentions the weight of the items as well. Though, there is one exception to the list of physical things. Lieutenant Cross is a character of the story, and Tim O’ Brien quickly states theRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien896 Words   |  4 PagesTrouble without a doubt is what First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross c arried around his shoulders because he was out in war, where mistakes happen. Lost and unknown of his surroundings he had to lead his men into safety, while destroying anything they found. First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross only holds onto one thing for hope and that is Martha, the woman who he hopes is a virgin to come back to. Tim O’ Brien introduces symbolism by adding a character that has a meaning of purity and a pebble, which symbolizesRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien Essay832 Words   |  4 PagesSummary: â€Å"By and large they carried these things inside, maintaining the masks of composure† (21). In Tim O’brien’s The Things They Carried, the American soldiers of the Vietnam War carry much more than the weight of their equipment, much more than souvenirs or good-luck charms or letters from home. They carried within themselves the intransitive burdens—of fear, of cowardice, of love, of loneliness, of anger, of confusion. Most of all, they carry the truth of what happened to them in the war—aRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1369 Words   |  6 PagesMany authors use storytelling as a vehicle to convey the immortality of past selves and those who have passed to not only in their piece of literature but in their life as an author. In Tim O’Brien’s work of fiction The Things They Carried, through his final chapter â€Å"The Lives of the Dead,† O Brien conveys that writing is a matter of survival since, the powers of s torytelling can ensure the immortality of all those who were significant in his life. Through their immortality, O’Brien has the abilityRead MoreThe Things They Carried By Tim O Brien1407 Words   |  6 Pages       Our introduction stated that in â€Å"The Things They Carried,† author Tim O’Brien tells us not directly of the soldiers of Vietnam, or the situations they find themselves in, but about the things they carry on their shoulders and in their pockets. These â€Å"things† identify the characters and bring them to life.   I find that to be true as the author unfolds the stories about war and the uncommon things one carries in to war both inadvertently and on purpose.  Ã‚  Ã‚  As it was noted: Stories about war –

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Anxiety of High School Students - 1729 Words

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and they can manifest real physical symptoms. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling, while severe anxiety can be extremely debilitating, having a serious impact on daily life. People often experience a general state of worry or fear before confronting something challenging such as a test, examination, recital, or interview. These feelings are easily justified and considered normal. Anxiety is considered a problem when symptoms interfere with a persons ability to sleep or otherwise function. Anxiety occurs when a reaction is out of†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Separation Anxiety Disorder is characterized by high levels of anxiety when separated from a person or place that provides feelings of security or safety. Sometimes separation results in panic, and it is considered a disorder when the response is excessive or inappropriate. 1.2 Background of the Study Anxiety is an unpleasant emotion experienced as dread, scare, alarm, fright, trepidation, worry, and uneasiness, which triggers mechanism for self-regulation strategies that facilitate performance (Schultz and Davis, 2000). Minimal amount of anxiety can mobilize human beings to respond rapidly a nd efficiently, but excessive amount of anxiety may foster poor response and sometimes inhibit response (Simpson et al., 1995). The quantity of anxiety experienced by the learner and the negative effects of it on their academic achievement are one of the major reasons for educators to be concerned about (Price 1991, and Clement 1997). Anxiety is a common symptom found in different population especially among students. Researchers have focused on the role of anxiety in their attempt to understand these difficulties. Anxiety difficulties in certain students may be related to motivational orientation and the lack of effective study skills and test-taking skills. These students may not utilize cognitive, metacognitive, and self-regulated learning strategies effectively. Therefore, for these students, anxiety becomes an issue during course instructions and academic performanceShow MoreRelatedHigh School Students With Anxiety1234 Words   |  5 PagesWhen time is up, please close your te st booklet and put your pencil down.† I feared these words. I feared any phrases that consisted of the word â€Å"test.† This is the phrase that is used to doom high school students with anxiety early in the morning. This is the phrase that is used to doom high school students with tears and misery. As my testing instructor spoke, my hands became sweaty, my face was dripping with sweat, my stomach was tied in a knot, my body was shivering, and my eyes were weary. IRead MoreAnxiety, Stress, And Frustration1646 Words   |  7 Pages Anxiety in the Classroom It was important to select this topic as a teacher who directly teaches students that have issues with anxiety, stress and frustration every day. Each student is different in the ways that they deal with their emotions. It is imperative for teaching staff to fully understand how each student works in the school setting so that they can help them become as independent as possible. During the research, the writer sought multiple ways to be proactive with students and theirRead MoreTesting is a Large Part of a Childs Live1421 Words   |  6 Pagesare a large part of a child’s experience in school and serve many purposes. Tests range from the high-stakes context of yearly standardized testing mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB; U.S. Congress, 2002) to a variety of classroom tests which serve to monitor student progress as well as drive teacher instructional practices (Salend, 2009). Student test results hold critical implications for all people within the community. For students, their tests scores are used to make importantRead MoreThe Education System Of The United States1174 Words   |  5 Pagesthink about school conditions and the stress pushed upon educators to make what it takes to have a thriving school year. In the United States, the budget for education primarily comes from state and local taxes. Usually, the budget from state and local are not enough, and year after year, many are getting cut. Schools are desperately in major need for additional funding, and they gladly utilize these federal funds as much as they can. Once federal funding is accepted to help these schools, so comeRead MoreEssay On Indicators Of Content Knowledge And Achievement990 Words   |  4 Pagesproblem is not content but the language, then how are these tests providing accurate knowledge from the students whose only limiting factor is a language barrier? 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Essay596 Words   |  3 Pages Anxiety is commonly defined as a fear that causes immense amounts of stress. When thinking of anxiety one does not consider it associated with math. However, the idea of math anxiety exists. Unlike the commonly recognized anxiety, math anxiety is not psychological, it is emotional. Anyone that has math anxiety experiences stress or discomfort with math. Some may feel inadequate in their math abilities and therefore avoid math altogether. Others may try but still second guess their math work. MostRead MoreTest Anxiety : Understanding Some Of The Ways1623 Words   |  7 Pagessome of the ways in which test anxiety can develop within students. Imagine sitting in a small coffeehouse with a delicious coffee sitting close by, on a peaceful rainy day. This is the perfect time to stay inside and prepare for an upcoming exam. A large stack of color coded, handwritten note cards are filled with all the information discussed within the class, textbooks and notes are scattered. Hours go by, a great amount of studying and reviewing is done. The student continues to study for severalRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Anxiety On Students1334 Words   |  6 Pagesurban middle school. Students will be from seventh grade and diverse backgrounds. Literature Review Social anxiety refers to an intense fear of embarrassment in social or performance situations. Social anxiety disorder is chronic and debilitating yet often goes unrecognized or untreated. Anxiety in youth is associated with significant impairment in school performance, social functioning, and family relationships (Ginsburg, Becker, Drazdowski Tein, 2012). Children with social anxiety may withdrawRead More The Pass Fail System of Standardized Tests Essay1351 Words   |  6 Pagesmeasures of how students compare with each other or how much of a particular curriculum they have learned. Increasingly, standardized tests are being used to make major decisions about students, such as grade promotion or high school graduation, and schools. More and more often, they also are intended to shape the curriculum and instruction. Students across America have had to repeat classes because of the way standardized tests are used to pass or fail students. Students have had to rely

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Psychological Portrait in The Yellow Wallpaper

The Psychological Portrait in The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman was famous in her time as a womens activist. Later, she began writing fiction. As noted in her Norton Anthology biography, Charlottes stories often reveal her worldview. The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story written to combat the modus operandi for curing depression in her day. This cure consisted of being completely sequestered from any intellectual or artistic engagements. Her addendum to the story also makes clear she experienced this same treatment. Gilmans catalyst was to write a story that would serve as a social corrective. What we are left with today is a masterpiece of psychological suspense. The story begins with our main†¦show more content†¦However, she would never admit the conviction he is to blame to a living soul (a term we can imagine her husband would never use), but finds the assertion to be a great relief to ...her... mind(658). The reader learns her brother is also a physician, and supports this method of treatment. She asks the reader if a physician of high standing, and ones own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression...what is one to do?(658). Any attempt on her part to question this method has been effectively undermined. At this point in the story, we begin to understand she already feels trapped. Next, she confesses her writing does tire her. However, it is not the writing itself that wears her out, but rather having to write on the sly that she finds mentally taxing. Today, we can easily imagine this intellectual sequestering as a suitable form of torture, especially for an artistically inclined individual like the author and main character. At the time, this type of cure was commonplace, and the author was no doubt eager to see them abandoned. Again, her primary purpose here appears to be writing as a social corrective. However, today the strongest effect is her brilliant portrayal of an unraveling mind. She first describes the yellow wallpaper in terms similar to theShow MoreRelatedThe Yellow Wallpaper961 Words   |  4 Pages The Yellow Paper is a symbolic story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It is a disheartening tale of a woman struggling to free herself from postpartum depression. This story gives an account of an emotionally and intellectual deteriorated woman who is a wife and a mother who is struggling to break free from her metal prison and find peace. The post-partum depression forced her to look for a neurologist doctor who gives a rest cure. She was supposed to have a strict bed rest. The woman livedRead More What Others Say about The Yellow Wallpaper1572 Words   |  7 PagesWhat Others Say about The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1890 and eventually published in 1892 in the New England Magazine and in William Dean Howells collection, Great Modern American Stories (Shumaker 94). The story was original not only because of its subject matter, but also because it is written in the form of a loosely connected journal. It follows the narrators private thoughts which become increasingly more confusingRead MoreThe Biological Theory Kate Millet Essay2413 Words   |  10 Pageshas some cause to admire the strength of socialization which grows the expectation in culture that the gender identity should encourage the young male to develop aggressive impulses and the female to thwart her own or turn them inward. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† John’s use of soft words, polite thrashing, yet the patriarchal dictator never fails to make hi present felt, â€Å"What is it, little girl?... Don’t go walking about like that.†(Gilman, 6). As the wife unable to deny his order, makes her caughtRead MoreFeminist Writers Like Kate Millet Essay2267 Words   |  10 Pagessubordination. As the paper attempts to examine Kate Millet’s Sexual Politics theory in the text called Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper and Hurston’s Sweat. Millet gives eight types of division in her theory called sexual politics. Through the study of the theory and showing simultaneously how the different aspects of ‘sexual politics’ affects within the structure of the text; ‘The yellow Wallpaper’ and ‘Sweat’. In other words it can be said that it is an attempt to study the texts, the position of woman inRead MoreThe Haunting Of Hill House2043 Words   |  9 Pageslike â€Å"I would like to hit her with a stick [and]†¦ I would like to beat her with rocks.† (Jackson, 117). Eleanor seemed to be viewing Hill House similar to a motherly figure. Jackson purposely allowed Eleanor to have those irrational thoughts to portrait to the reader that Eleanor could be very child like due to the lack of affection that she never receive d from her ill mother. Its extremely unusually for someone to have a mother-daughter relationship with a house, like Eleanor and Hill House didRead MoreImpact Of Pop Art1448 Words   |  6 Pageslike Elvis and the Beatles. All of the works classified as pop art shared may concepts and interests, such as mass-media, mass-production, and mass-culture. Tom Wesselmann, one of America’s most famous pop artist, is known for his epically scaled portraits of nude women luxuriating amid the dazzling products of modern life and pop culture. It is in Nude with Rose that we see Wesselmann’s ability to portray mid-century America through the eyes of men and corporations, two contributing factors to the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Emirates Airlines A Breakthrough In Aviation Industry

Question: Discuss about the case study Emirates Airlines for A Breakthrough in Aviation Industry. Answer: Introduction: Emirates Airlines is a UAE-based aviation company providing commercial air transportation services across the world. According to the findings of the Annual Report 2010-2011, the company has reached to highly prestigious ranks mostly because of its strategies focusing on the importance of adoption and encouragement of fair competition, transparency and an open skies policy. At present, the company operates 1200 flights per week across 6 continents from Dubai International Airport. The phenomenal success of the company in the global markets is reflected in the number of aircraft services it is offering to its customers. At present there are more than 170 aircraft, including the latest Airbus and Boeing Aircraft. The prime aim of the company is to effectively include the trending innovations in its ongoing workplace practices to become the most admired airlines across the world. Porters Five Forces Analysis The five forces analysis is a tool for understanding where power lies in a business situation and even compares the current strength of the company with that of the competitors. In case of the Emirates Airlines, following are the specifications in this context: 1. Threat of Entrants:The airline industry has always been a low entry barrier industry, which means its rules and regulations have always been flexible for the new entrants. The Middle East has a number of good sources of finance which is considered as the prime entry barrier. As the industry requires a periodic advancement in the technology and the level of expertise it has incorporated into its working strategies, hence, the sources of finance make all things purchasable conveniently. There is a direct impact on the profit rates of the company due to the entry of the new entrants hence the risk is quite high. 2. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry:The level of competition in the airline industry has always been quite high and due to this reason the company tends to earn a low return on every new venture it introduces. But the risks posed by the competitors are highly avoided due to the support offered by the government in terms of finance or legal flexibilities. 3. Bargaining Power of the customers:The bargaining power of the customer or the buyer in the Aviation industry is somewhat low. This power is defined as the ability of the customer to put pressure on the service providers so as they introduce new services and reformations in the current ones in compliance to the perceptions and needs of the customers. If the bargaining power is high, then the customers are less sensitive towards the price changes in the market. 4. Bargaining Power of the suppliers:The bargaining power of the suppliers is quite high in the company. For Emirates Airlines, Airbus and Boeing are the major suppliers and the competition between the two is quite high. The power of suppliers is high because they may refuse to work with the firm during economic turmoil or may also introduce exorbitant prices for the exclusive resources. 5. Threat of Substitute Products:In the Middle East markets, there are two types of players namely budget and luxury. This leads to a huge price difference. So for a short distance flight most of the people prefer cheaper tickets. This lowers the profit rates of the Emirates that highly focus on its luxury flights. Also, the services offered by the competitors have a wide difference in the price performance when compared to the Emirates. External Analysis The external analysis of the company could be done using the PESTEL analysis tool. It is an analytical tool that helps the organization to map the external trends or forces that may have a positive and negative impact on the organization. The PESTEL analysis of the Emirates Airlines is as follows: Political: The two major political issues that have a deep impact on the working strategies of the Emirates include Wars and terrorism. The activities related to both these issues leaves the countries unattractive for the tourists and business partners. The terrorist activities in countries like USA, Lebanon, UK and Qatar have contributed in cutting down the passenger traffics in such vulnerable areas. Economic: The aviation industry has boomed greatly because there has always been a financial support from the countries in which it is operating. For instance, UAE has always readily invested in its major airports of Abu Dhabi and Dubai and the researchers have also predicted that this investment will tend to exceed DH 71 Billion in the coming two decades. Social:The social factors include increasing global population, literacy rates and improving lifestyles of the people. In UAE, the number of expatriates has increased a lot in the last decades and this has made a direct profit for the aviation company as these expatriates travel regularly to their homelands. But the population of a country isn't always expanding. In times of epidemics, like Bird Flu and other killer diseases, the population of a country declines rapidly and at that time the economy of the company dwindles. Technological:Technology has always influenced business both in a positive as well as in a negative manner. For instance, the e-ticketing service and availability of the internet has made people to consider Airlines as a quick and a better option. At the same time it has also bought the current and potential customers closer to the Aviation Sector. On the contrary, the concept of Tele and Video-Conferencing has made the corporate business person to interact with one another without travelling. This has reduced the numbers of businessman travelling to various countries for face to face meetings. Environmental:The climate changes due to increase in pollution levels have also posed a number of challenges to the company. Like all the others, Emirates have to follow a concept of Green Flying to protect the environment. Such initiatives are quite costly and the companies have to keep aside additional money for their implementation. Legal:Emirates Airlines, like all the other Airlines in the Aviation industry, are constantly bombarded by the customers and staff members with lawsuits in times when they are displeased with the services or working policies of the company. Also, there are a number of rules and regulations of a country, to which the company has to abide and moreover all these rules are in a dynamic state, so the company has to reform its strategies and policies according to these changes. Internal Analysis The internal analysis of the Emirates Airlines could be done by using the SWOT analysis tool. It is a structured planning method that evaluates the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for a company being analyzed. The SWOT analysis for the Emirates is as follows: Strengths: A strong financial and political support from the Middle East Government. The company has been able to establish a strong hub in Dubai. The services offered by the firm are satisfying millions of people all over the globe and hence has become the most preferred airlines among the customers. The company has provided job to around 50,000 employees till now. Weaknesses: High prices and luxurious services in comparison to the competitors. Limited services for the middle classes and budget travelers. High operating costs due to huge investment in buying an aircraft. It is a young airline and also it is not a member of any global alliance. Opportunities: As mentioned above, the UAE government will be making huge investments in development of airports in Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the coming two decades. The global population is growing at an accelerating pace. The people are becoming well versed with computers and the internet these days. The improving lifestyle of the people has attracted maximum customers towards tourism industry, promoting sales of the company. Threats: The political stability in the Middle East region is very low and it is prone to a number of wars and terrorist activities. The competitors and new entrants are offering similar services at lower prices. The bargaining power of the customers is quite high and hence can pose threat to the company. The natural crisis like Earthquake, Landslide, or Hurricanes could hamper the tourism flow in the country. The technological reformation of e-ticketing system could be hacked illegally by the hackers or could face the virus attack hampering the booking system of the company. Stakeholder Analysis A stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has a say in the companys decision and is affected by the objectives and actions of the company. The major stakeholders of the Emirates are: 1. Customers: These are the ultimate source of profit and the Emirates develop a number of strategies to retain the current customers and attract the new ones. Although customers are quite pivotal to the firm yet they do not play a major role in influencing the management of the firm. 2. Employees: As Hospitality is a prime element of the Travel and Tourism industry, hence, the staff members play a crucial role in the companys decision-making process. There are a number of cases when the company has reformed its strategies due to dissatisfaction among the employees. 3. Competitors: Emirates has been a market leader when one talks about luxury travelling, but there a number of competitors that offers cheap flights in the markets. The major competitors include Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways, Jet Airways and Air India. 4. Suppliers:The major suppliers of the company include Boeing and Airbus. These suppliers have a great share in the profit of the company. Apart from this, the company also highly depends on the online travel agencies for the e-ticketing services. These agencies are namely,,, etc. These websites provide cheap and convenient deals to the customers. 5. Media:Media plays a crucial role in promoting the services of the company. The advertising campaigns attract a huge customer base for the firm. The company also tries to keep good relations with the firm to maintain a close relationship with its customers. 6. Government:The Company has a number of legislations: European, Domestic and International. These legal systems are quite strict and cannot be easily tailored according to the requirements of the firm. There are a number of cases when the legal obligations of some specific countries do not allow the company to operate its flights. Addressing the building blocks of Competitive Advantage Emirates Airlines has been so successful till due to its pricing strategy it uses against its competitors. Apart from the airlines industry, the company has also adopted a number of new positive moves by entering into new innovative businesses. The corporate strategy of the firm aims to create a good image of the company in front of its customers to rapidly increase its customer base. The four building blocks of competitive advantage of the emirates are efficiency, Quality, Innovation and Customer Responsiveness. The company has adopted a number of measures to address these building blocks. The simplest measure of Efficiency is the quantity of inputs that it takes it to produce a given output. Emirates has always developed its strategies and policies in compliance with the needs of its customers. In other words, it has always given an input predicting a high level of outcome. Contrary to its competitors, Emirates has introduced better services to attract a huge customer base. The Qua lity of the services offered by the company has been appreciated by millions of customers all over the globe. This is because the company has never compromised with the services it offers. Customers are considered as a prime element by the firm and most of the policies and services are framed keeping in mind the changing needs of the customers. The firm has also been involved in introducing a number of advancements which are unique to the company and has given an edge over the similar players in the Aviation sector. For example, Emirates was the first company to introduce Audio and Video on demand on every seat of every class in its flights. Similarly, it was also the first to launch 1,000 entertainment channels on demand. The company is also known to adopt an innovative concept of on-board spa and shower concept giving a luxurious experience to its customers. The innovative ideas have allowed the company to take risks and strive in the business world. A Major challenge for any emerging as well as for a well established business is to analyze the changing needs of its customers and then develop products and services in compliance to those changing demands. This is known as Customer Responsiveness. The Emirates has been successful in evaluating the perceptions of its customers and have collaboratively worked to develop services according to their needs. The other competitors of the same genre have also developed a number of services, but their timing was not perfect. Strategic Alliances Strategic Alliance is an agreement of cooperation signed between two or more independent firms to work together to achieve a common objective in an efficient manner. After entering into this agreement, the participating firms remain independent from one another and do not form an entirely new entity. At present Emirates has already entered into a strategic alliance with the Qantas, having its traditional hub in Singapore. Although this partnership was specifically made to support the dwindling business of the Qantas, yet the other participant too had a direct benefit from the alliance as the competitive pressure was minimized to some extent. In a Strategic Alliance partnership, the following five criteria are identified as being crucial to success of any commercial partnership: Investment: As investments in alliances are made by all the participating firms, hence there are chances of raising huge funds for new plans for the companies. Even in times of economical crisis, one firm could help another to cope up with the adverse conditions. Innovation:As the competition in the aviation is rising day by day, due to entry of new innovative companies, hence the old leaders have to establish their strong ground by adopting a number of innovative ideas in their working strategies and even include technological advancements in the services they offer to their customers. As the Emirates has been known for being the first in introducing technological advancements, like Audio and Video on demand at every seat on the flight, hence seeking alliance could help the firm to maintain its position in this direction. The new emerging firms, although lacks a number of crucial resources, but still have the capability to take risks of adopting new innovative changes. Operations:As in Strategic Alliance, both the firms work independently, hence the operations also remain independent of one another. The operations planned for the participating firms are to be aligned to one another to avoid any sort of clash. Communications:The joint management of the alliance works together to gain the attention of the customers by communicating the efficient idea of the firm operations in a more efficient manner. The innovative ideas of all the participating firms could be combined to deliver the real objectives of the airlines and hence strengthening the customer-company relationships. Values:Creation of a joint value is a better option than employing values of a firm at an individual level. The joint values include the introduction of long term revenue generation plans and increment in the global reputation of both the participating firms. This could be employed on a large scale to improve the performance of the firms. Emirates going Global The Emirates Airlines has already adopted the idea of expanding its business from its hub in the Middle East and this decision was taken at a very early stage of its development. The idea of going global has already benefitted the firm in a variety of ways. For instance, as the bargaining power of the suppliers have always been quite high, hence with the idea of getting global the firm has discovered a number of cheap suppliers overseas with the same level of quality. In the same manner, as the lifestyle is changing all over the globe at a rapid pace, hence, the firm has also started to target a number of international customers developing services to meet their specific needs. Potential Problems need to be addressed and Recommendations Although the idea of getting global is profitable in every sense, but it has a number of problems associated with it. Some of the recognized problems for the Emirates Airlines are: The international customers have different perceptions and demands when compared to the local ones. Analysis of such varying consumer behavior and developing companys policies and strategies in alignment to them is a tedious job as the company executives will have to design different policies for different markets. The legal obligations also vary from country to country. Some countries have quite flexible legal structure for the aviation industry while the others are strict in this case. Hence, the firm has to face a number of legal problems associated to every new market they explore. The entry into global markets forces the firm to lay more emphasis on the quantity of the services they are offering rather than its quality. This is because as the popularity of any commercial increases worldwide, then its demand tends to increase automatically. In such a case the Emirates have compromised in the quality of services in certain small nations. The recommendations for the above mentioned problems could be as follows: In order to minimize the losses at global level, the firm could introduce a handful of cheap flights for budget-conscious population and could use the generated revenues in strengthening its luxurious flights. The firm could also collaborate with the local leaders in the international markets to understand the behavior of the markets they are planning to target. This pre-analysis process will help the firm to introduce only selected services in the markets that are in compliance with the perceptions and economic-status of the target groups. A deep knowledge of international legal systems and forming a separate committee to handle such issues could help the firm to quickly resolve legal problems and focus entirely on generating huge revenues from new markets. Bibliography Ashidiqy, A., 2014. 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